

"The only source of knowledge is experience." – Albert Einstein



Administer Passwords With KeePass

You hate passwords right? Just a little bit especially when it comes to creating complex ones that are (supposedly) hard to break and at the same time easy to remember otherwise you won’t be able to access your account or authenticate yourself anywhere.

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15 Deals Worth 10000$ As a Startup Pack for Geeks Only

As a great initiative for newly young startups, Startup PACK is introducing a second of its kind giveaway pack, focused for developers only, bundled with great services and freebies worth around 10,000$ in total if you were lucky enough and chosen from the 250 winners.

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Model Threats with STRIDE and DREAD

Who can deny the importance of security in virtually every task we try to achieve nowadays, digital or not? Security is increasingly becoming the most important, sensitive and complex topic to cover because it relates in almost every aspect of our lives.

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Photocopiers A Digital Goldmine Waiting To Be Exploited

Digital Privacy as I mentioned in my previous post has many questions and assumptions around it, in addition to that it is not only threatened on the internet, yet more dangerously in locations that we might never thought of before, like the photocopier we use at the office, copy center, etc…

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Digital Privacy: Is It Real?

Our digital privacy, if we may call it, is getting a lot of attention, reviews, argument, etc… Many users are freaking out fearing for their personal and private information not to be exposed to the public or used by unauthorized people; some start doing things about it (not sure how much effective after getting too deep into the digital life) and some either don’t care about it or they don’t know what does it mean or what are its effects.

Continue reading “Digital Privacy: Is It Real?”

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